Oral Health Matters

Do you know what the most common cause of death is in Australia? Answer: Heart disease is leading cause of death in Australia over the last ten years. Did you know that there is a link between heart disease and oral diseases? Do you know why must we have good oral health before heart surgery? We talk about the answers here.


Oral Health Dept

We pride ourselves on having a devoted and successful Hygiene Department. Our dedicated team are here to assist you in improving and maintaining a healthy mouth.

Oral Health Care

Your health and comfort are of utmost importance. It is for this reason that we have developed the Hygiene Department to work in conjunction with the dentists to give you ongoing, integrated care.

Oral Heath Goals

Together the hygienists and dentists work towards the main goal of improving your oral health so that you can maintain a healthy body and a happy smile.

burwood dental clinic
Hygienist in lab

Heart disease and oral diseases – The Link

Gum disease is often characterized with gum bleeding. Organisms/bacteria that grow in plaque/calculus can enter the blood stream when your gums bleed.

Once in the blood stream, the organisms can attach to fatty deposits in arteries and cause the arteries to become inflamed and decrease blood flow to the heart and cause a heart attack.

The body attacks the bacteria which can cause an inflammatory reaction, causing further development of fatty deposits lining the artery walls that can cause blockages. It is obvious that it is better to prevent gum disease to reduce the risk cardiovascular disease.

Why must we have good oral health before heart surgery? To minimize the amount of bacteria that could enter the blood stream whilst the heart is healing after heart surgery and therefore increase chances of the heart healing and decrease the chances of infection after heart surgery.

Oral Health: Dental Hygienist

WHY DOES MY DENTIST WANT ME TO SEE THE DENTAL HYGIENIST? A Dental Hygienist/ Oral Therapist is a graduate of 3 year University Degree, and is able to provide you with preventative care and gum treatment that enhance your overall oral health. They are registered dental healthcare professionals who work with the dentist to provide you with holistic dental care that is suited to your needs. They play a special role in being able to treat cavities in children and young adults.

Importance of maintaining gum health

Dental disease, whether it is decay or gum disease can generally be prevented and treated by simply removing the plaque before becoming calculus. The ability for optimal home care can be challenging and that is why hygienists are there to help and guide you to improve with oral hygiene care.

Prevention is better than cure, regular maintenance of gum health with regular visits means that the hygienist is able to monitor how your gum health is so that you can prevent any future problems.

Contact us today for complete oral health

We offer innovative technology within the dental industry,
which means you can have your dental needs cared for within the limited time you have available.